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Technical Reports

Publications & Technical Reports

View technical reports and peer-reviewed publications from the SATURN team on the results of our research.

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Final report on vessel URN measurements

 Roberto Yubero de Diego, Mohammad Ghasemi and Øystein Solheim Pettersen

SATURN Technical Report , 2023

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Verification of the computation of standardized statistics​

Mike van der Schaar

SATURN Technical Report , 2023

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Harmonized test signals to assess harmful underwater noise characteristics

Christ de Jong

SATURN Technical Report , 2022


Guidelines for sound particle motion mapping

Christ de Jong, Bas Binnerts, Timo Gaida , Erwin Jansen

Michael Ainslie, Michael Wood 

SATURN Project Technical Reports, 2024 

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SATURN acoustical terminology standard

Michael A. Ainslie,  François-Antoine Bruliard, Christ A. F. de Jong, José Antonio Díaz,  Thomas Folegot, Mohammad Ghasemi, Michele B. Halvorsen, Hans Slabbekoorn, Jakob Tougaard, Mike van der Schaar

SATURN Project Technical Reports, 2024 

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Standardized methods to facilitate impact assessment and cost-effective URN measurement

Michael A. Ainslie, Christ A. F. de Jong, Roberto Yubero, Michele B. Halvorsen, Mike van der Schaar

SATURN Project Technical Reports, 2024 


​Full-scale URN measurement uncertainties and measurement alternatives

François Antoine Bruliard, Ingvild Moseby, Mohammad Ghasemi, Roberto Yubero de Diego, Tormod Gjestland

SATURN Project Technical Reports, 2024 


Report on Particle Motion and Acoustic Pressure
measurements in the AquaVib

Pablo P. Caro, Marta Solé, Mike van der Schaar, Michel André

SATURN Project Technical Reports, 2024 


Report on health status for harbour seals and porpoises, including the findings of the ear analysis

Schick, L., Morell, M., Schnitzler, J., Wohlsein, P., Siebert, U.

SATURN Project Technical Reports, 2023 


Reference Documentation concerning SATURN Deliverable D3.4 Updated DEPONS model

Jacob Nabe Nielsen, Caitlin Frankish, Jakob Tougaard, Christ de Jong, and A.M. von Benda Beckmann

SATURN Project Technical Reports, 2023 


Relationship between health status and animal behavioural changes in tagged harbour seals

Maurer, N., Boyi, J., Schick, L., Nachtsheim, D., Schaffeld, T., Schnitzler, J., Siebert, U.

SATURN Project Technical Reports, 2023 


Quantify the impact of URN on marine mammals at a population level (Assess population effects of different types of ship noise: Kattegat case study)

Caitlin K. Frankish, Alexander M. von Benda-Beckmann, Jakob Tougaard, Bas Binnerts, Timo C. Gaida, Signe Sveegaard, Kylie Owen, Pia Eriksson, Julia Carlström, Michael Ladegaard, Christ de Jong and Jacob Nabe-Nielsen

SATURN Project Technical Reports, 2023 


Fundamental physical mechanisms of propeller source level

Mario Felli, Erica Firenze, Federica Valdenazzi

SATURN Project Technical Reports, 2022 


Report on impact of a propeller replacement by a pump jet on source level and propulsive efficiency. 

Davide Grassi and Mario Felli 

SATURN Technical Report , 2024


Mitigation of ship underwater radiated sound by propeller optimisation and bubble injection

Thomas Lloyd, Evert-Jan Foeth, Frans Hendrik Lafeber, Johan Bosschers, Yvette Klinkenberg, Miloš Birvalski, Levent Kaydihan, Artur Lidtke, Erik van Wijngaarden

SATURN Technical Report , 2024


Synthesis of EU and joint monitoring programs

Dr Nathan D. Merchant, Dr Rosalyn L. Putland

SATURN Technical Report , 2021


SATURN VRE requirements and architecture

José Antonio Díaz, Eric Delory

SATURN Technical Report , 2022

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Natural and shipping underwater sound distribution in the Northern Adriatic Sea basin and possible application on target areas

Michol Ghezzo, Antonio Petrizzo, Fantina Madricardo, Thomas Folegot, Roger Gallou, Dominique Clorennec, Robert Chavanne, Erwan Hemon, Christian Ferrarin, Hrvoje Mihanović, Kristina Pikelj, Mauro Bastianini, Alice Pari, Sauro Pari, Stefano Menegon, William J. McKiver, Giulio Farella, Sofia Bosi, Andrea Barbanti, Marta Picciulin

Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2024 

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Harbour porpoises respond to recreational boats by speedingup and moving away from the boat path

Xiuqing Hao, Héloïse Hamel, Céline Hagerup Grandjean, Ivan Fedutin, Magnus Wahlberg, Caitlin Kim Frankish, Jacob Nabe-Nielsen

Ecology and Evolution, 2024 

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Natural soundscapes of lowland river habitats and the potential threat of urban noise pollution to migratory fish

Kees te Velde, Amy Mairo, Edwin THM. Peeters, Hendrik V. Winter, Christian Tudorache and Hans Slabbekoorn.

Environmental Pollution, 2024 


Statocyst ultrastructure in the Norwegian lobster (Nephrops norvegicus)

Marta Solé

Biology, 2024 

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Modelling sound particle motion in shallow water

Victor O. Oppeneer, Christ A.F. de Jong, Bas Binnerts, Michael Wood and Michael A. Ainslie

The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2024 

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The acoustic signature of a propeller–hydrofoil system in the far field 

Physics of Fluids, 2023

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Ultrastructure of the organ of Corti in harbor seals (Phoca vitulina)

Frontiers in Marine Science, 2023

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Acoustic far field of a propeller working in the wake of a hydrofoil 

Physics of Fluids, 2023

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​Diving on damage—the muscle transcriptome of parasitic infested harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) hints at oxidative stress but not hypoxia

Frontiers in Marine Science, 2023


Acoustic Profiles of Underwater Soundscapes Affected by Road Traffic

The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life, Living Edition , 2023


Ship noise causes tagged harbour porpoises to change direction or dive deeper

Caitlin Frankish, Sander von Benda-Beckmann, Jonas Teilmann, Jakob Tougaard, Rune Dietz, Signe Sveegaard, Bas Binnerts, Christ de Jong and Jacob Nabe-Nielsen 

Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2023

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Is Maritime Spatial Planning a tool to mitigate the impacts of underwater noise? A review of adopted and upcoming maritime spatial plans in Europe

Sofia Bosi, Emiliano Ramieri, Marta Picciulin, Stefano Menegon, Michol Ghezzo, Antonio Petrizzo, Thomas Folegot, Fantina Madricardo and Andrea Barbanti

Marine Policy, 2023


Small reductions in cargo vessel speed substantially reduce noise impacts to marine mammals

Charlotte R. Findlay, Laia Rojano-Doñate, Jacob Tougaard, Mark P. Johnson, and Peter Teglberg Madsen

Scientific Advances, 2023


Vessel noise exposures of harbour seals from the Wadden Sea

Dominik André Nachtsheim, Mark Johnson, Tobias Schaffeld, Abbo van Neer, Peter T. Madsen, Charlotte R. Findlay, Laia Rojano-Doñate, Jonas Teilmann, Lonnie Mikkelsen, Johannes Baltzer, Andreas Ruser, Ursula Siebert and Joseph G. Schnitzler

Scientific Reports, 2023


On empirical formulae to assess the source level of ships in shallow water with different hydrophone configurations

Valentin Meyer and Christian Audoly

Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, 2022


Semi-coherent image method to estimate propagation loss in shallow water for measuring surface vessel source level

Michael Ainslie and Michael Wood

Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, 2022


Hydroacoustic analysis of a marine propeller using large-eddy simulation and acoustic analogy

Antonio Posa, Riccardo Broglia, Mario Felli, Marta Cianferra, Vincenzo Armenio

Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2022


The signature of a propeller–rudder system: Acoustic analogy based on LES data

Antonio Posa, Mario Felli, Riccardo Broglia

Journal of Ocean Engineering, 2022


A decade of underwater noise research in support of the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive

Nathan Merchant, Rosalyn Putland, Michel André, Eric Baudin, Mario Felli, Hans Slabbekoorn, René Dekeling

Ocean & Coastal Management, 2022


Acoustic signature of a propeller operating upstream of a hydrofoil

Antonio Posa, Riccardo Broglia, and Mario Felli

Physics of Fluids, 2022


Antonio Posa, Mario Felli, and Riccardo Broglia

Physics of Fluids, 2022


Selective Inner Hair Cell Loss in a Neonate Harbor Seal (Phoca vitulina)

Maria Morell, Laura Rojas, Martin Haulena, Björn Busse, Ursula Siebert, Robert E. Shadwick, and Stephen A. Raverty

Animals, 2022

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