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Webinar on Marine Mammals and Vessel Noise with DOSITS

DOSITS webinar on the impacts of vessel underwater noise on marine mammals


The webinar is now available to watch in full on Vimeo! Catch the replay on DOSITS website at

Presentatons from Dominik Nachtsheim (ITAW TiHo) and Charlotte Findlay are available to download in PDF form from the website. We hope you enjoy it!


Join us for a free webinar on the exposure and impacts of underwater noise on marine mammals on September 27. The webinar, “Marine mammals and vessel noise: exposure, impacts, and potential solutions" will be held as part of the DOSITS (Discovery of Sound in the Sea) 2023 webinar programme, which offers Continuing Professional Development (CPD) credits for attendance.

Along with an overview of the impacts of underwater radiated noise on marine mammals, the webinar will present potential solutions that are being explored within SATURN. Dominik Nachtsheim (ITAW TiHo) and Charlotte Findlay (Aarhus University) will share their current research on the impacts of shipping traffic at a busy European port on harbour seals, and the benefits of vessel slowdowns.

The webinar will be a popular event — 360 people have already registered! To learn more and register, visit the link below or learn more about the DOSITS webinar series on the DOSITS website.


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