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SATURN Research on Euronews Documentary

We’re very excited to be featured in the latest episode of the Euronews ‘Ocean’ docuseries. In this 8-minute episode, learn how the EU is addressing noise pollution through research into the sources of noise, its impacts, and new, achievable solutions to reduce it.

The episode features SATURN researcher Joseph Schnitzler of ITAW TiHo discussing fieldwork on harbour seals in the Elbe and amazing visualisations from our partners at MARIN (Maritime Research Institute Netherlands) and SIREHNA showing promising propeller technology, including videos of the trochoidal propeller design that was recently tested on a model ferry ship in France.

The article and episode are available in multiple languages, which are linked below.

EN: Sounding the alarm: Scientists say noise pollution is affecting ocean health

FR: Le bruit, une source supplémentaire de pollution pour la vie marine

DE: Lärm beeinflusst Meereslebewesen: Wie kann man die Ökosysteme schützen?

IT: Perché è importante ridurre l'inquinamento sottomarino generato dalle attività umane?

ES: La contaminación acústica del ser humano afecta catastróficamente al ambiente marino

PT: Poluição sonora marinha preocupa classe científica

RU: Рыбы кричат о помощи: они устали от постоянного шума

HU: Csökkentenék a tengeri zajszennyezés mértékét az európai vízekben


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