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New Paper on Propeller Sound!

Saturn researcher Mario Felli has produced a new paper on the acoustic signature of a propeller operating upstream of a hydrofoil in the journal Physics of Fluids.

The paper describes a study conducted at CNR-INM — the National Research Council of Italy's Institute of Marine Engineering — on the sound signature of a propeller and upstream hydrofoil. The analysis reveals that the major sources of sound are located at the leading edge of the hydrofoil, due to the intrusion of the propeller wake. Above, a video shows the visualisation of the test system and sound field.

Previous SATURN research from Felli et al. focused on installation effects, i.e. how much propeller non-uniform inflow conditions and propeller/propeller-wake interaction with inflow vortices influence propeller wave evolution and sound generation.

This new paper focuses on the interaction of the propeller wake with a rudder (positioned downstream of the propeller). This interaction is such to modify rudder’s working conditions significantly and to cause vibrations and sound generation due to the impact of the propeller vortices against the rudder and to the unsteady hydrodynamic conditions at which rudder operates.

Both papers are state of the art applications of high fidelity CFD tools for hydrodynamic (LES, Large Eddy Simulation) and hydro-acoustic (Ffowcs Williams Hawkings equation) survey of complex (highly turbulent and unsteady, three dimensional) flows.

Read the paper at: Additionally, find previous research published by Posa, Broglia, and Felli on the Influence of an upstream hydrofoil on the acoustic signature of a propeller here.

More SATURN research publications are available on our Results page.


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